Unbound (The Wild Ride)

by Avenged Sevenfold

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 8:30 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Avenged Sevenfold

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Syn (Lead)
2nd → Johnny
3rd → Zacky (Rhythm)
4th → M. Shadows (Lead Vocals)
5th → The Rev
6th → Keys + Studio Guitar
7th → Backup Vocals
8th → Studio Guitar 2

File Size

107 KB




Some-where, life is good. And things go, as they should. It's hard to fi-nd. But that's all right. Ye-ah ye-ah. Sear-ching, for the way. Push, har-der ev-ery-day. It's deep in-side. That shin-ing light. Ye-ah ye-ah. But I'm scarred By ba-rri-ers placed in my pa-a-a-th. I'm sca-thed. This, ride. That takes, me through life. Lead me in-to dark-ness but e-merg-es in-to l-i-ght. No-one. Can ev-er, slow me do-wn. I'll stay u-n-bo-und. Some-times, when we're young. And al-ways, on the run. It get so da-rk. And I know that place. Ye-ah ye-ah. So don't be, too con-cerned. You've, got a-lot to learn. Well so do I-I. And we've got plen-ty of time. Ye-ah ye-ah. Don-t fall off the track, yet. With so ma-ny ra-ces to g-o-o-o. Hold, on. This, ride. That takes, me through life. Lead me in-to dark-ness but e-merg-es in-to l-i-ght. No-one. Can ev-er, slow me do-wn. I'll stay u-n-bo-und. Some live, so-o-o wrong. With what we do is each hi-s own. But liv-ing, in f-e-e-a-r. End-less shame for count-le-ss years. I ne-ver lived in fear I know I'd die an-o-ther day. I ne-ver viewed my life as some-thing, Slip-ping a-wa-ha-a-a-ay. Some live, so wrong. What we do is each hi-s own. But liv-ing, in f-e-a-r. End-less shame for count-le-ss years. There's no-thing here to ta-ke, for gran-ted. With each, breath that we take. The hands of time, strip youth from our bo-dies. We fade. Me-mo-ries r-e-ma-in. As times goes, by. There's no-thing here to ta-ke, for gran-ted. With each, breath that we take. The hands of time, strip youth from our bo-dies. We fade. Me-mo-ries r-e-ma-in. As times goes, by.


For the arrangement of guitars on this song, I'm just taking a good guess at how a7x would arrange it between Zacky and Syn, following their signature sound of having harmony without rhythm guitar.